Wednesday, August 20, 2008

CF Appointment

Yesterday was a really good day. My MRI showed no nerve damage in my back or neck. We are thinking that I either pulled a muscle in my chest or I have a plug in my lung. My FEV1 are stable and my weight is great. I actually feel really good. Now I just need to start exercising. I plan on going for a walk with my sister tonight. I also bought an inversion table to use while I am doing my vest. This way I can tip upside down to help the mucus move. I hope it helps. My Doctor gave me a great compliment. He said that I have worked hard in the last year to become healthy again and that all my hard work is paying off. In November I weighed 96 pounds and yesterday I was 112. What a difference 16 pounds make.


CowTown said...

WOW Stephanie!! That's awesome, keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

You should feel very proud of what you have done for yourself in the past year. It is great to see you looking so good. See you this weekend.
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...


Tracy shared this link with me. I think of you often and am so very proud of you. You have always been a fighter. NOBODY or NOTHING crosses Stephies path. I Love you.

Aunt Wendy