Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life in lock down

A lot of people ask what they are doing for me while I am here. The first day or two, they take a bunch of tests to see what is causing the fevers and try to start me on the right IV antibiotics based on my last sputum culture. Then they wait to see if a new culture shows anything. While we wait, I have Chest PT twice a day until I do my 6 minute walk test. This is the test they use to get the perimeters for me to use the treadmill. It also measures how far I can walk in 6 minutes. I went 1754 feet. I have done better but this is still really good with someone with my crappy lungs.

Today, I am still waiting for cultures to come back. I also get to go on the treadmill. This should make me cough up a bunch more crap. I haven't tried to walk the halls today to see how I do. I use 3 liters of oxygen when I exercise. Which helps keep my heart rate at normal levels. I get really short of breath when I cough because it causes inflammation.

Everyone seems to think my lungs sound a little better. My Doctor will be in tonight and will let me know what he thinks. My plan is to escape before the weekend and then do the rest of my treatment at home.

Well, that is it for now.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Sorry it is so boring! Hopefully your Dr will think you sound better too. Love and Miss you!