Thursday, March 11, 2010

I can't seem to put together a nicely written post. I have tried 5 times this week to create a post that reflects my thoughts. So I am just going to jot them down and a random fashion.

Treadmill! I am back! Today will make day 4!

Yesterday, I had a lovely 2 hour dentist appointment to get a crown. I have put this off for years and figured I have pushed my luck long enough.

Went to the Gastroenterologist last week and get to have colonoscopy and upper endoscopy on Monday. Doesn't that sound like a fun day?

The weather in Maine has been beautiful this week. I am so looking forward to spring.

The IVs must have worked because I actually feel normal, if there is such thing.

Saturday night, i went to a CF fundraiser in portland. It was a lot of fun. I went with Brian and my parents. The event raised about $1500 for the CF foundation. I even got out on the dance floor with my oxygen on.

This weekend it a benefit for my double lung transplant. Maximun Velocity will be doing a stunt show again at the high school that I graduated from. I hope the word has gotten out about the event because the BMX, inline skating and skateboarding trick are crazy. Last year, everyone was super impressed.

Well, that is it for now. I do want to respond to this blog post but my brain is not functioning today!

1 comment:

CowTown said...

Good for you for getting back on the 'mill! Wow. I'm not.